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Sustainability at Bittium in 2023

GRI Content Index

Bittium’s Annual Report 2023 has been prepared with reference to the GRI Universal Standards 2021. The sustainability reporting covers the selected General Disclosures as well as the Topic Standards Bittium has deemed material and which reflects best its economic, social, and environmental impacts in the topics. The GRI 1: Foundation 2021 Standard’s key concepts for defining report content have been taken into account in the preparation of sustainability information. The topic standards are the year 2016 versions unless otherwise stated next to the standard number.

Statement of use: Bittium Oyj has reported the information cited in this GRI content index for the period January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

GRI used: GRI 1: Foundation 2021

DisclosureReporting contentsLocation in Bittium’s
annual reporting
Additional information
GRI 2: General Disclosures
Business and Operating Environment,
p. 10
Bittium is an international technology company that offers socially useful technical innovations that improve communication connections, create security and promote healthcare. The company’s offices are located in Finland, Germany,and in the USA. More information about the offices is on the website: www.bittium.com/about-bittium/facts-figures/bittium-locations

Bittium Corporation’s articles of association are available on the website: www.bittium.com/investors/corporate-governance/articles-of-association
2-2Entities included in the organization’s sustainability
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Reporting, p. 88
2-3Reporting period,
frequency and
contact point
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Reporting, p. 88
2-4Restatements of
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Reporting, p. 88
There are no restatements of sustainability information in this report.
2-5External assuranceSustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Reporting, p. 88
2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsBusiness and Operating Environment, Products and Services p. 14; Sustainability at Bittium in 2023; Bittium’s value creation model p. 56, Sustainable Purchasing p. 78All of Bittium’s products are manufactured in Finland by manufacturing partners. The products consist of various electronic and mechanical components, whose suppliers are both foreign and Finnish significant players in their respective regions. Bittium’s most significant partners in the distribution network are Bittium’s partners operating in different product and service areas, such as Tutus Data AB in Sweden for Bittium Tough Mobile™ 2 smartphones in Sweden and Technomed Ltd for Bittium Faros™ devices in the United Kingdom.
2-7EmployeesSustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People, p. 66–71
The total number of employees at the end of 2023 was 526, of which 74 (14%) were female and 452 (86%) were male. There were 513 employees in permanent employment, of which 74 (14%) were female and 439 (86%) were male. The proportion of fixed-term employment contracts was 0.2% for women and 2% for men. The proportion of part-time employment contracts was 4% for both women and men. The proportion of full-time employment contracts was 96% for both women and men. 2% of employees worked on zero-hour contracts (2% female, 3% male). There was a decrease of 99 persons in the number of employees during 2023, of which 61 were dismissed as a result of the change negotiations.
2-9Governance structure and compositionCorporate Governance,
Corporate Governance, Bittium
Corporation, Board of Directors,
Board Committees p. 39;
GRI 2: General Disclosures
2-10Nomination and
selection of the
highest governance body
Corporate Governance,
Principles Concerning Board Diversity, p. 36
The Annual General Meeting is the company’s the highest decision-making body, where the company’s shareholders participate in the control and management of the company by using their right to speak and vote. The most important tasks of the General Meeting include electing the Board members. The Board chooses a Chairman among its members.
2-11Chair of the highest governance bodyCorporate Governance,
Corporate Governance, Bittium
Corporation, Board of Directors, p. 35
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bittium Corporation is independent of both the Company and its significant shareholders.
2-12Role of the highest governance body
in overseeing the management of
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Sustainability Management, p. 58,
Corporate Governance,
Annual Clock 2022, p. 37
Bittium has a separate sustainability working group that develops, monitors, and evaluates issues related to sustainability. The working group is responsible for sustainability risk management and steering, as well as the company’s sustainability reporting. The Audit Committee of Bittium Corporation’s Board of Directors deals with sustainability issues regularly and when necessary. Bittium Corporation’s Board of Directors deals with sustainability issues based on the presentations of the management team and examines sustainability effects as part of its supervisory role. The sustainability report describes the methods that ensure sufficient care applied to the areas of sustainability. In addition, the description of risk management and processes related to the company’s operation and operating environment is defined as part of the Corporate Governance system report.
2-14Role of the highest governance body
in sustainability
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Sustainability Management, p. 58
2-15Conflicts of interest The Board of Directors of Bittium Corporation and the relevant committee carefully evaluate the possible conflicts of interest of each member of the board and/or the relevant committee in the preparation and decision-making work. In a possible conflict of interest situation, the relevant institution ensures that the members in question do not participate in the preparation or decision-making.
Bittium Corporation’s
Remuneration Report,
Remuneration Report from
the accounting period of 2023
Bittium Corporation’s remuneration policy and remuneration reports are available on the company’s website:  www.bittium.com/investors/
2-20Process to determine remunerationBittium Corporation’s
Remuneration Report
The Annual General Meeting decides on the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors. Remuneration of the Board of Directors, the CEO, and any deputy CEO must be in accordance with the Company’s latest remuneration policy. Shareholders discuss the Remuneration Policy at the Annual General Meeting at least every four years and whenever substantial changes are made to it. In a possible conflict of interest situation, the relevant institution ensures that the members in question do not participate in the preparation or decision-making. The same principles are followed in the assessment of possible conflicts of interest as are followed when assessing board members’ conflicts of interest in connection with decision-making. The Board of Directors annually evaluates the possible need for changes to the Remuneration Policy. The company may use external experts when evaluating and determining the compensation to be paid to the Board of Directors and the CEO.

Bittium Corporation’s remuneration policy and remuneration reports are available on the company’s website: www.bittium.com/investors/
GRI 2: General Disclosures
2-22Statement on
development strategy
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
The CEO’s Statement on
Sustainability, p. 53
2-23Policy commitmentsCorporate Governance,
Main Features of Internal Control
and Risk Management Processes
Related to the Financial Reporting Processes, p. 45; Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Corporate Citizenship and
Sustainable Business, p. 76,
Sustainability at Bittium, p. 61,
Bittium’s Ethical Principles and
Code of Conduct, p. 59
Bittium follows a responsible business practices and requires it from its suppliers as well. Bittium’s ethical principles include aspects of anti-corruption, data protection and security, fair business practices, advertising and competition, corporate citizenship, and protection of intellectual property rights. Collaborators must comply with Bittium’s Code of Conduct principles and supplier guidelines and requirements (Bittium Supplier Requirements). The guidelines contain the most important policies, operating methods, and requirements for Bittium’s supply chain. The set requirements are related to business practices, anti-corruption, environmental issues, occupational safety, and human rights, including material-specific requirements. The guidelines and principles mentioned above are available on the company’s website: www.bittium.com

Bittium has also mirrored the themes of the priority areas of sustainability in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and identified goals that are already taken into account and whose realization is promoted in the company’s operations.
2-24Embedding policy commitmentsCorporate Governance,
Main Features of Internal Control
and Risk Management Processes
Related to the Financial Reporting
Processes p. 45; Sustainability at Bittium in 2023, Corporate Citizenship and Sustainable Business, p. 76,
Sustainability at Bittium, p. 61,
Bittium’s Ethical Principles and
Code of Conduct, p. 59
Bittium takes into account the due diligence obligation in its operations. Together with its supply chain partners and other stakeholders, Bittium strives to identify both actual and potential harm to the environment and people, including human rights, in the entire value chain. As part of responsible management and operations, the company prevents and mitigates harm, monitoring the effectiveness of actions related to the duty of care. Bittium’s external and internal stakeholders also use the Whistleblowing notification procedure, which aims to reduce the risks that may be faced by the company.​
2-26Mechanisms for
seeking advice and raising concerns
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Corporate Citizenship and
Sustainable Business, p. 76
Good governance and ethical operating methods are the basis of Bittium’s operations and a prerequisite for business. The trust of customers and other stakeholders in Bittium, product quality, and responsible development are of primary importance to the company. The company has compliance processes at every organizational level to ensure that applicable laws, regulations, internal guidelines, responsible business requirements, and ethical values are followed. Bittium’s personnel and external stakeholders use feedback and reporting channels as well as a reporting channel for detecting abuses. Personnel has been instructed on their use of Bittium’s intranet and in orientation training.
2-27Compliance with
laws and regulations
Report by the Board of Directors;
Statement of Non-Financial
Bittium Corporation has not incurred legal sanctions for its activities during 2023.  
 Teknologiateollisuus ry
2-29Approach to stakeholder engagementSustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Sustainability Management, p. 58
GRI 3: Material topics
3-1Process to determine material topics Bittium’s sustainability program is based on a materiality analysis carried out in 2019, on the basis of which the focus areas of sustainability have been defined. The program is built on the development goals and measures of focus areas and the metrics defined for them. The process of defining Bittium’s material topics, the materiality analysis, is described on the company’s website: annualreport2019.bittium.com/
sustainability_report/focus_areas_in_sustainability   With the update of the sustainability program, the goals and metrics of the focus areas were specified, and yearly sub-goals were set for the themes. The goals and metrics of the sustainability program for the years 2022–2025 are described in the context of the sections dealing with each focus area of the annual report.
3-2List of
material topics
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 66, Trust-based Customer Relationships
and Secure Products, p. 72, Corporate Citizenship and Sustainable Business Practices, p. 76
Environment, p. 82
3-3Management of
material topics
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Outputs and effects, p. 57, Innovative and Developing People,
p. 66, Trust-based Customer Relationships
and Secure Products, p. 72, Corporate Citizenship and Sustainable Business Practices, p. 76
Environment, p. 82
The most significant sustainability effects of Bittium’s essential sustainability topics, the management of essential sustainability topics, and the measures related to their management are described in the annual report, in the sections dealing with Bittium’s sustainability priority areas. In the future, Bittium will develop reporting related to the management of material topics in accordance with the GRI 3: Material topics standard.
GRI 201: Economic Performance
201-1Direct economic
value generated
and distributed
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Economic Impact, p. 61
201-4Financial assistance received from
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements,
3. Other profits of the business
GRI 205: Anti-corruption
and training about
policies and
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Corporate Citizenship and
Sustainable Business, p. 76
Bittium requires its personnel and partners to commit to the company’s anti-corruption guidelines. Mandatory training on anti-corruption activities is organized for personnel as part of the induction program, and in 2023, 77 percent of new employees completed the electronic self-study module included in the training by the end of 2023.
205-3Confirmed incidents of corruption and
actions taken
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Corporate Citizenship and
Sustainable Business, p. 6
Bittium’s personnel and external stakeholders use feedback and reporting channels as well as a reporting channel for detecting abuses. During 2023, Bittium Corporation did not report any corruption suspicions or cases.
GRI 301: Materials
301-1Materials used by weight or volumeSustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Environment, p. 82
Bittium does not use paper, cardboard or metal in the production of its products. Bittium reports the amount of material waste and recycling resulting from the use of materials at the locations.
GRI 302: Energy
302-1Energy consumption within the
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Environment, p. 84
302-4Reduction of energy consumptionSustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Environment, p. 84
GRI 303: Water and Effluents (2018)
303-1Interactions with
water as a shared
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Environment, p. 84
Reported total water consumption and water consumption per person for Bittium locations. No water is used in the production of the products.
GRI 305: Emissions
305-1Direct (Scope 1)
GHG emissions
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Environment, p. 84
Report by the Board of Directors 2023, Statement of Non-Financial Information, p. 110
Reported carbon footprint.  
In 2023, Scope 1 carbon dioxzide emissions (travel and waste) of bittium’s offices in Finland were 206.8 tCO2 (204.0 tCO2 in 2022) and Scope 2 emissions (heating and electricity) were 413.1 tCO2e (563 tCPO2e in 2022).
GRI 306: Waste (2020)
306-2Management of
significant waste-
related impacts
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Environment, p. 85
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety (2018)
health and safety management system
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 69
403-2Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigationSustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 69
Bittium is constantly developing its occupational safety processes and risk management. More information regarding subcontractors can be found in the Bittium Supplier Manual: www.bittium.com/about-bittium/suppliers/supplier-manual
403-3Occupational health servicesSustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 69
Healthcare services that are more extensive than required by law cover 99% of the personnel. Occupational health services as part of compliance with the Customer Liability Act is part of Bittium’s subcontracting process.
403-4Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safetySustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 69
403-5Worker training on
occupational health and safety
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 69
All Bittium locations have appropriate safety plans, and safety issues are taken into account in Bittium’s personnel orientation program. Occupational health matters are communicated to the staff regularly.

Subcontracting companies are responsible for the occupational health and occupational safety training of their employees in accordance with their own principles. Bittium trains the subcontractors working at Bittium’s premises. Subcontractors working at Bittium’s customers’ premises are trained by the customer. In other respects, the subcontractors themselves are responsible for the training of their employees.
403-6Promotion of
worker health
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 69
403-7Prevention and
mitigation of
occupational health and safety impacts
directly linked by
business relationships
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 69, Trust-based Customer Relationships
and Secure Products, p. 72 Corporate Citizenship and
Sustainable Business, p. 76,
More information regarding subcontractors can be found in the Bittium Supplier Manual: www.bittium.com/about-bittium/suppliers/supplier-manual
403-8Workers covered by an occupational
health and safety management system
 All Bittium employees are covered by the occupational health and safety management system.
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 69
In 2023, Bittium’s Finnish companies did report 0 safety and near-miss findings and 11 occupational accidents, one of which resulted in the short, passing incapacity for work but no liability for compensation according to the Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases Act.
ill health
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023;
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 69
The sickness absence rate was 2.3% in 2023 (calculated from the occupational health service provider’s data per day/person vs. theoretical regular working hours). Bittium does not have information available regarding temporary labor. The most significant workability risks are related to musculoskeletal diseases, coping at work, and mental well-being.
GRI 404: Training and Education
404-1Average hours of training per year
per employee
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 71
Bittium reports the number of training days / person.
404-2Programs for
upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs
Sustainability at Bittium in 2023,
Innovative and Developing People,
p. 68
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
405-1Diversity of
governance bodies and employees
Corporate Governance Statement,
Diversity Principles of the Board
of Directors, p. 36; Sustainability at Bittium in 2023, Innovative and Developing People, p. 71