Diversity Principles of the Board of Directors
In the Company, diversity is seen as an essential part of corporate responsibility and as a factor in success, that enables achievement of strategic targets and continuous improvement of customer intimacy.
In planning the composition of the Board of Directors, the requirements of the Company´s business operations, the phases of development and the competence requirements of the Board committees are taken into account. In appointing members of the Board, the target is to ensure that the Board as a whole supports the development of the Company´s current and future business operations. Diversity plays a part in supporting this goal, so the Company aims to reach a situation where the facts supporting diversity are taken into account as significant criteria in planning the composition of the Board of Directors.
Diversity of the Board is considered from different perspectives. From the Company´s point of view it is important to have Board members with diverse backgrounds in terms of competence, training, and experience of differing business operations, of varying stages of business development, and of leadership as well as diverse personal characteristics. Experience of international business environments and different cultures in addition to consideration of age and gender will support the diversity of the Board. The objective is that both genders are represented in the Board and the Company aims to maintain a good and balanced distribution of genders.
To fulfill the diversity principles, the diversity principles are taken into account in the process to find and assess member candidates and representatives of both genders are looked for to the process. The status of diversity and progress of the goal mentioned above are monitored in the self-assessment discussions of the Board. A person elected as a Board member of the Company must have the competence required for the position and be able to devote a sufficient amount of time for the duties required. In forming the composition of the Board long-term needs and successor planning will be taken into account.
According to the Articles of Association of the Company, the Board of Directors comprises three to seven (3–7) members and in addition it may have one to three (1–3) deputy members. The composition of the Board and the number of members shall be such that they enable the Board to perform its duties efficiently. The members of the Board are appointed annually at the Company´s Annual General Meeting.
During the financial period ending on December 31, 2023, the Board of Directors has comprised five members. Four of the members have been males and one female. The self-assessment discussions of the Board have concluded that the members of the Board are so different in their special skills, backgrounds and age and gender that the Board as a whole has therefore been able to effectively support the business of the Company and its development.