Laura Kauppinen
Chief Development Officer, 2023–.
b. 1971, PhD. Psychology
Positions of Trust:
Endev, Member of the Board, 2022–.
Previous work history:
- Citec Group, Chief Development Officer, 2020–2023.
- Citec Group, VP, Corporate & Business Development and Administration, 2019–2020.
- Maintpartner Group, Executive Vice President, Corporate Development and Administration 2017–2019.
- Maintpartner Group, Executive Vice President, Corporate Development, 2014–2017.
- Maintpartner Group, Vice President, Corporate Development, 2012–2014.
- Maintpartner Group, Head of Corporate Development, 2009–2012.
- Eltel, Vice president, HR & Communications, 2008–2009.
- Eltel, Vice president, HR, 2004–2009.
- IBM, Consultant, 2003–2004.
- PwC Consulting Finland, Consultant, 2001–2002.
Holdings Dec. 31, 2023:
Holds 500 Bittium Corporation shares.